Wet for Days Interview
Publié le 12 Oct 2022 par Dizz Hupé

Dizz Hupé To begin, I would like to thank you for accepting this interview for the webzine Le Bad Crew. I will let you introduce your band name and what you do in the band.
Sarah– Thanks for interviewing us! It was great to meet you at the show. We’re Wet for Days. I’m singer and guitarist. Steph plays bass, Deirdre plays drums and we all do vocals. We started jamming just before covid hit so its been almost two years since we got to play our first show at House of Targ on August 31. We couldn’t wait to get on stage!
Dizz–Have you played in other punkrock bands before? If, so which bands have you played before?
Sarah: Deirdre and I used to play together in another all-girl punk band from Ottawa called RawRawRiot. We were active from 2011-2015. I’ve been in a handful of bands before, One Night Fux and GOAT!. When I had my son Nikola in 2018, I took a break from performing. But the itch came back quick! I wanted to start another all-girl band and Deirdre was the first person I asked to start it with me. Steph recently played in Neonera, an Ottawa metal band, and also plays in a neighbourhood cover band called Never 2 Late
Deirdre– My first punk rock band was Knives and Forks For Freedom (KAFFF) roughly 15 years ago. There was a brief time where I was playing in both KAFFF and RawRawRiot. I am also currently playing with Cúlturåł Treåsøn for 6 years.

Dizz– I read that you all have children. How do you combine your time between being a mother, working and being part of a band (practice,shows)??
Sarah: Its definitely a juggle but you do it because you’re passionate about it. Music is in your soul and it never leaves. I practice at home with my son as much as I can and he’s growing up to love music so much, so it’s a benefit to him. It’s amazing to see his love grow for it. He’s born with rhythm coursing through his veins. He’s super into the drums and singing. I’ll shred on the guitar and he’ll run around the room screaming in a mic. It’s great.
Steph: Honestly I didn’t play much at all when my kids were young, they take so much energy! I’m lucky they are of an age now (8, 12 & 14) where it’s much easier for me to do my own thing. I’m so amazed by what Deirdre and Sarah have been able to achieve with this band as their kids are much younger. As Sarah mentioned, when you’re passionate about music, you push through the tired and busy schedules to make the time to practice and it’s always worth it.
Deirdre: Playing percussion keeps me sane. I was performing at shows when my son was 3 months old, making time for myself to play and perform makes me a better mom. I’m happy to have my kids growing up hearing ‘Moms going to play music tonight’.
Sarah: Deirdre is a rockstar mama, juggling two kids and two bands. Her daughter is still a baby! One reason why I wanted to start a band with other moms is so that we can all understand the difficulties in balancing personal time/work and just the realities itself in being a mother. Identity crisis and all that. I know I experienced it when I first had a child and had to put music on the backburner. We all get it and are there for each other. We understand that there are moments when family life comes first, so there’s no resentment. We try to create a pressure free zone to create.

Dizz–when you created Wet For Days, did you have a primary goal with this band? Where does the name come from and what are the topics covered in your song lyrics?
Sarah: I think the main goal was to join a band with other females and moms as I mentioned and being able to understand similar struggles we face. It’s such a different dynamic when you’re with women. We want to create music that’s empowering and passionate. And also just want to have fun while doing it! Also, having a name like Wet for Days help to normalize otherwise taboo topics. We want to create safe spaces for everyone to express themselves, desires and all.
Steph: Agreed, it’s new for me to play in a band entirely of women and the dynamic is definitely different but in a positive and energizing way! We all have similar goals and values which come through in our writing, making change, bringing light to issues that are sometimes brushed under the rug, making people feel less alone.
Deirdre: We are a group of sexy moms and hard-working musicians. We are embodying and owning it. Sarah came up with the name, we thought it would be fun and be a hot topic of conversation.
Dizz–Honestly, I had never heard of your band before seeing the flyer for the rAdolescent show which took place on August 31st at House of Targ. After some research, I found that this was your first show. How did you like the experience of a first show as a new band but in addition to opening for rAdolescent?
Sarah: We had literally just announced ourselves in the scene this past summer, so no one knew we existed until then. It felt so good being back on stage! It had been 3 or 4 years since I had last played a show so my adrenaline was super high! Plus, opening for a band that was so influential in the punk scene- it was just an honour to be asked. I was nervous as hell too, not only for those reasons, but Wet. For Days is the first band where I’m leading it- singing and playing guitar. Nerve wracking as hell! I swear I almost passed out on stage.
Deirdre– I adored the fact that the singer of the rAdolescents was on stage with our band shirt on. That kind support for a first show is memorable and I deeply appreciated it.
Steph: Incredibly honored to open for them as our first show. It gave us that push to really solidify our songs and be confident with our set.

Dizz–People who want to discover you can find you on bandcamp but there are only 2 songs from a jam recording. Will something be recorded soon? An album or a EP ?
Sarah– Our goal is to record a full-length album over winter to be released soon. Gotta sell some merch and make money to make that happen. In the meantime, we plan to do some demos from our jam space.
Dizz– After recording this album, what are your plans? Local shows (Ottawa) or do you think it is possible to go on tour for 1 or 2 weeks to play in a few cities in Quebec and Ontario??
Sarah– Going on tour would be amazing. I’d love that! But it’s hard to coordinate currently with our children/ school schedules/ work, etc. Deirdre’s baby is still so young, and I have shared custody of my son. I’m sure we could manage it but it’ll take some time before we do a whole week. It would be great to do a weekend tour in the new year. Maybe Ottawa, Cornwall (where I lived for 10 years), and Montreal.
Deirdre– We have a few shows booked in Ottawa before the new year and would love to tour in the future!

Dizz– For the final words, I leave it to you. What Wet For Days would like to say?
Wet For Days– Thanks again and we look forward to playing at a venue near you in the future!